Legal Status of the ChildTheoretical and Practical Problems

  1. Aproyan, Arsen
Dirigida por:
  1. Fernando Peña López Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 06 de octubre de 2023

  1. Angelo Venchiarutti Presidente/a
  2. Artak Mkrtichyan Secretario
  3. Belén Sánchez Ramos Vocal
  1. Derecho Privado

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 823882 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The urgency of the topic under study: The global political, socio-economic transformations of the 21st century, along with the positive results, have reduced the living standards of a significant part of the population in many countries; meanwhile, the most vulnerable sections of the population have suffered the most. The actual condition of children is several times worse than that of adult citizens1. From the beginning, a child who is not protected by the state, society and family is not able to develop harmoniously, physically, mentally and intellectually as a law-abiding citizen. The lack of legal basis of “The right of the child” has a devastating effect on the development of a normal society of democratic orientation. In this regard, the modern domestic policy of the state has undergone significant development during the international legal reforms in the field of child protection at the end of the 20th century. Reforms in the field of child protection are primarily aimed at combating ruthlessness, eliminating orphanhood, building a healthy society, helping children with disabilities, refugee children, and the formation of a citizen capable of being an independent individual, a person of free will, whose activities will be built on the best ideals of public life