Fast internal temperature measurements in pbx9501 thermal explosions

  1. Smilowitz, L.
  2. Henson, B. F.
  3. Sandstrom, M. M.
  4. Asay, B. W.
  5. Oschwald, D. M.
  6. Romero, J. J.
  7. Novak, A. M.
Book Series:
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2005, Pts 1 and 2
  1. Furnish, MD (coord.)
  2. Elert, M (coord.)
  3. Russell, TP (coord.)
  4. White, CT (coord.)

ISSN: 0094-243X

ISBN: 0-7354-0341-4

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 845

Pages: 1211-1214

Congress: Conference of the American-Physical-Society-Topical-Group-on-Shock-Compression-of-Condensed-Matter

Type: Conference paper