Analysis of hydrodynamic and transport phenomena in the 'Ria de Arousa':: a numerical model for high environmental impact estuaries

  1. Navarrina, F
  2. Colominas, I
  3. Casteleiro, M
  4. Cueto-Feigueroso, L
  5. Gómez, H
  6. Fe, J
  7. Soage, A
Book Series:
Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems
  1. Chakrabarti, SK (coord.)
  2. Hernandez, S (coord.)
  3. Brebbia, CA (coord.)

ISSN: 1746-4498

ISBN: 1-84564-027-6

Year of publication: 2005

Volume: 84

Pages: 583-593

Congress: 3rd International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction/8th International Conference on Computational Modelling and Experimental Measurements of Free and Moving Boundary Problems

Type: Conference paper