Evaluación de la intervención educativa enfermera y adherencia terapéutica a los inmunosupresores en pacientes trasplantados de corazón

  1. Carmen Naya-Leira
  2. María I. Gómez-Besteiro
  3. Cristina M. Riveiro-Rodríguez
  4. Silvia Veiga-Seijo
  5. María Jesús Paniagua-Martín
  6. Eduardo Barge-Caballero
  7. Gonzalo Barge-Caballero
  8. David Couto-Mallón
  9. Zulaika Grille-Cancela
  10. Paula Blanco-Canosa
  11. Daniel Enríquez-Vázquez
  12. María G. Crespo-Leiro
Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología

ISSN: 1575-4146

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 88-89

Pages: 34-43

Type: Article

DOI: 10.59322/8889.3443.SZ2 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología

Sustainable development goals


Introduction. The clinical follow up of heart transplant patients is complex and requires the nurse to transmit knowledge according to needs to promote self-care and therapeutic adherence. The objective was to evaluate the nurse educational intervention in transplanted patients.Methodology. An observational-descriptive-transversal study was performed of patients who received heart transplants in 2019 and 2020 (n=41) at the Advanced Heart Failure Unit of the University Hospital of A Coruña using knowledge, assessment, and adherence questionnaires (BAASIS).Results. Forty-one patients participated with a mean age of 60.5 (±6.9), 80.5% were male. According to priority, 53.7% were elective. The 15 knowledge questions were answered correctly by 36.8%. The questions with more failures were those related to rejection symptoms.All patients considered the information received to be useful and 92.7% reported that it helped them improve their anxiety and fear.Three immunosuppressive drugs were taken by 87.2%: Tacrolimus 100%, of which 84.6% in a single morning dose, prednisone 97.4%, mycophenolate mofetil 79.5%, and everolimus 10.3%. No patient fully stopped taking immunosuppressants in the last year. During the last month, two patients forgot or changed the prescribed dose once.The maximum score was achieved by 69.2% of patients for their behavior regarding taking immunosuppressive drugs.Conclusions. The results obtained show that during the first year after heart transplantation, patients maintain an acceptable level of knowledge, good adherence to immunosuppressants, and consider the nurse educational intervention useful.

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