Certificación energética en BIM

  1. André Garrido-Iglesias
  2. Sindy Seara-Paz
  3. Juan Luis Pérez-Ordóñez
EUBIM 2019. Congreso internacional BIM/ 8º encuentro de usuarios BIM
  1. Fuentes Giner, Begoña
  2. Oliver Faubel, Inmaculada

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 9788490488058

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 85-96

Congress: Congreso Internacional BIM. EUBIM (8. 2019. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


The BIM methodology stands out for trying to group the different stages of design;management; maintenance and even demolition and reincorporation into the environment of abuilding.These stages; also known as BIM Dimensions; bring together what is known as the life cycle ofa building. It is in the 6 dimension where the energy analysis of a building is made; takingadvantage of the information of previous stages; mainly the geometric definition; equipment andother characteristics of the materials to perform an energy evaluation necessary to achieve thethermal comfort of a houseWith the idea of thermal comfort together with the premise of energy saving; Spanish legislationsets limits for energy consumption and demand. The HULC or other recognized tools are usedfor it is verification. It is use requires the building to be redefined geometrically and thermally;information that would already be available in the BIM model.This paper presents the current possibilities of BIM tools to facilitate certification; either throughinteroperability (IFC files); or by providing the necessary information to the models for theircalculation according to Spanish regulations. Finally; a comparative study of the tools analyzedwill be carried out.