Aproximación proteómica al estudio de la artrosis temprana de rodilla

  1. Paz González, Rocío
Supervised by:
  1. Cristina Ruiz Romero Director
  2. Francisco J. Blanco García Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2023

  1. Javier de Toro Santos Chair
  2. Manuel Fuentes García Secretary
  3. María Jesús Iglesias Mareque Committee member
  1. Physiotherapy, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819452 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent and disabling rheumatic diseases in elderly people with the knee being the joint most frequently affected. Osteoarthritis is not simply a process of wear and tear affecting articular cartilage but rather a disease of the entire joint. Here, the proteomic profile of meniscus from patients with mild signs of joint degeneration was analysed to explore the role of the meniscal damage in early osteoarthritis. A panel of proteins based on a modulation pattern of progressive meniscal damage was provided suggesting a first attempt to restore the joint homeostasis at early disease stages. Currently there is no effective therapy for osteoarthritis. Therefore, there is a major interest in the development of tools useful to predict the prospective development of osteoartritis, in order to prevent or slow the course of the disease through a prompt management of the patients. In the present work, two prognostic models, based on novel protein biomarkers, were developed and validated to predict the incidence of radiographic knee osteoarthritis over the next 96- months.