Perfiles de rendimiento neuromuscular el día de competición de alto nivel en especialidades explosivas de atletismo de mujeres
- Rafael Martín Acero 1
- José Andrés Sánchez Molina 1
- Dan Rio Rodríguez 1
- Martín Otero Justo 1
- 1 Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte y la E.F. de la Universidad de Coruña (UDC)
ISSN: 1133-0619
Year of publication: 2023
Tome: 37
Issue: 2
Pages: 3-10
Type: Article
More publications in: RED: Revista de entrenamiento deportivo = Journal of Sports Training
This project analyzes the performances of high-level national and/or international female athletes in competition and training situations. The analysis in a high-level competition has some singularities so far not published in any international journal. A very large sample was achieved, with many of the participants in the competition of the chosen specialties (speed, hurdles and horizontal jumps) in the last Spanish Championship prior to the declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, Championship of Spain Indoor (2020). The total sample was 37 elite athletes from Spain. Representative records of explosive-elastic-reflex force (FExER) performance have been obtained in two types of vertical jumps performed during the activity prior to competing (warm-up), providing contextual or ecological value to these data from female athletes. A first transfer of knowledge has already been made to the personal trainers of each athlete, sending each individual report to the corresponding department of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation for discreet delivery. The Research Group and the Network made this shipment a few weeks after the end of the Ctº of Spain. Another publicly disclosed transfer was made on social networks, through the graphic identity and numerical values of average and deviation of the results for each specific test of the Championship. These publications were made a few weeks after the end of the Ctº de España. Although these results cannot be understood as anything more than a first exploratory study, their results, discussion, and application suggestions provide specific approaches for female athletes in specialties that involve fast running.
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