Cidades, turismo e caminhos de Santiago

  1. Roberto Samartim ed. lit.
  2. Iria Caamaño Franco ed. lit.

Publisher: Andavira

ISBN: 978-84-126281-4-2

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


This volume offers results of research carried out by agents linked to the Territorial Studies Group (GET) and the GALABRA Network in public universities in the Galician-Portuguese space (Universities of Coruña, Santiago Compostela and Minho). Taking as a point of departure studies on the habitability of cities, by focusing on tourism (with the opportunities and threats it assumes) and, in particular, the past impacts and gifts of the phenomenon of the Paths to Santiago in the communities they traversed, the seven works collected in this book intend to contribute to a doble purpose. On one hand, to test and publicize approaches, techniques and methods that may currently serve as models for similar investigations developed in the present or in the future in the academic field; and, on the other hand, to generate a type of knowledge that can be used by agents (located either in institutions or in communities) with responsibilities in the planification and design of public policies.