El entrenamiento de fuerza del tren superior con cargas asociadas a la máxima potencia individual: análisis de los efectos agudos sobre la potencia mecánica

  1. Iglesias, E.
  2. Clavel San Emeterio, Iván
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071

Ano de publicación: 2005

Número: 14

Páxinas: 23-35

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: European Journal of Human Movement


The purpose of this study was to measure the acute effect of two explosive strength sessions on mechanical performance. In order to do that, 1 repetition maximum and maximum power load were obtained in 9 men. The experimental procedure begun five days after and it involved two training sessions. 7 bouts of 3 repetitions at maximum power load of bench press were developed in every session with a minimum rest period of three minutes. Power developed at 90% 1RM and at maximum power load were measured before and after every training day. Finally it was carried out a postest measuring. Although repeted-measures ANOVA showed significant differences between measurements at 90% 1RM , statistics analysis did not show significant differences regarding to before-after every sessions contrasts, and between measuring at maximum power load. Also, we did not find significant 1RM correlation with performance differences before-after session. Finally, it was found significant correlation between maximum strength and % 1RM associated to developed maximum power at postest.