Compilación, análise e uso didáctico do repertorio vocal acompañado de percusión de man como parte do patrimonio inmaterial galegoestudo dun caso representativo

  1. López Fernández, Carme
Supervised by:
  1. Rocío Chao-Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 15 November 2022

  1. Eliton Perpétuo Rosa Pereira Chair
  2. Eva María Espiñeira Bellón Secretary
  3. Carol Gillanders Committee member
  1. Specific Teaching Training and Research and Diagnosis Methods in Education

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 762055 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


This research is based on the treatment of traditional music as part of the Galician intangible heritage, addressing its study through the specific case of Liñares (Avión-OU). In a field where scientific-academic perspectives are almost inexistent, the increasing interest in relation to patrimony leads us to develop this investigation. This research is founded on qualitative methodologies linked to ethnography, such as grounded theory and ethnomusicological fieldwork. The data collected are being constantly revised, reformulated and triangulated through instruments such as interviews. Besides, specifically musical issues have particular relevance through compilation and analysis, never forgetting the pedagogical treatment of the material. The results obtained refer to a Galician oral tradition that reaches our days, adapting itself to the present context through the configuration of a particular socio-economic sector. Within the traditional music industry, investigations about music repertoire and its meaning are of particular importance. Liñares repertoire is characterized by a series of functional and musical elements, which have been kept throughout the years and that are associated to Liñares’ geographical context and musical elements in oral tradition themselves. Ultimately, in this research we can raise awareness of the contextualizing reality in Galician traditional music. Through the representational case of Liñares, we specifically address a compendium of musical items defined by their context, significance, usage, functions, musical features and didactic potential. All of these confer Liñares’ traditional songs certain distinctive characteristics, which singularize and differentiate them from other Galician musics.