Una aplicación eficaz de las TIC en varias asignaturas de índole financiera

  1. Lagoa Varela, María Dolores
  2. Boedo Vilabella, Lucía
Nuevos espacios de calidad en la educación superior. Un análisis comparado y de tendencias: VI CIDUI

Publisher: [S.l : s.n.], 2010

ISBN: 978-84-8458-324-0

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 6013-6042

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI) (6. 2010. null)

Type: Conference paper


This communication analyzes the effect that the use of new technology has onteaching and learning within the framework of finance. The aim is to show the benefitsbut also warn of the drawbacks of abuse in the use of this methodology.The analysis is performed based on a survey given to our students. The statisticalpurpose of this survey allows us to know the degree to which a new style of teachingaffects motivation, quality of learning and academic achievement.Proper treatment of the results of this methodology can not be restricted to theeffect on the student, but must also expose the impact on the teacher. It involves, at leastduring the early years, dedication and updating more than the conventional class basedon the magisterial class. It also involves more interaction with alumni and some changein the relationship with this group.This experience can be transferred to materials in other fields. Nevertheless, wemust take into account three peculiarities of the subject addressed that determine hisapplication: mathematics component, part conceptual and almost immediateapplicability to reality.