Aplicaciones de herramientas del ámbito de form-finding al diseño de estructurasutilización del método de densidad de fuerza

  1. Cercadillo García, Cristina
Dirixida por:
  1. José L. Fernández Cabo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 27 de xuño de 2014

  1. Ramón Argüelles Álvarez Presidente/a
  2. Francisco Arriaga Martitegui Secretario/a
  3. Josep Ignasi de Llorens Duran Vogal
  4. Ramón Sastre Sastre Vogal
  5. Javier Estévez-Cimadevila Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 361798 DIALNET


APPLICATION TOOLS IN FORM-FINDING FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN: USE OF FORCE DENSITY METHOD Ph. D. Student. Cristina Cercadillo-García. Doctoral Thesis Structural Department Architecture Polytechnic University of Madrid Abstract Determination of geometry as a first state of structural design on tension is known as Since 1.974, different mathematical procedures are applied for the definition of equilibrium geometry on tensile structures. Among them the Force Density Method, has a special interest, since it can be used as a basis for structural design that goes beyond the strict concept of This thesis stands on three proposals: Firstly, exposes new mathematical treatments for basic equations to get new relationships between variables, and also proposes two new methods that are useful for structural design, which are named by their nature as, Analitical method, and Numerical method, Both proposed techniques will be applied on the verification of fabric security and funicular analysis, both with (ie. as a general tool in the preliminary state of the structural design). The present document consists on a comprehensive state of the art about the overall process of morphogenesis, and the actual and different studies, as well as a historical review of the structural systems where the process of is applied: Tension, Fabric and Tensegrity. This state of the art can certainly be considered as a part of the thesis core. Thesis Supervisor. D. José Luis Fernández-Cabo. Ph. D. Arquitect. Associate Professor. Structural Department. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, - ETSAM -.