Arquitectura experimental en España 1965-1985

  1. García Martínez, Mónica
Dirixida por:
  1. María Jesús Muñoz Pardo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 de xaneiro de 2016

  1. Francisco Jarauta Presidente/a
  2. Concepcion Layapesse Luque Secretario/a
  3. Xavier Bonnaud Vogal
  4. Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave Vogal
  5. Caroline Maniaque Benton Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Between the years 1965 and 1985, Spanish architects burst in with unique contributions that could be described as "experimental". The isolated and dispersed nature of these occurrences has contributed to the oversight and lack of dissemination of the Spanish experimental architecture both within and beyond our borders. To date, there has been no review of the topic in its entirety. This study tries to examine the experimental architectural production of this period as a whole, generating a structure that allows for the inclusion of different experimental ways of envisioning and projecting architecture within our territory, registering them in a wider context. Four niches of experimentation have been identified around which the Spanish experimental production in the time span defined: "spatial organisation systems," "interaction with the environment", "constructive logic and equipment imagination" and” expanded field of language and the design process". Understanding these manifestations, with a global perspective, can best contribute to the construction of our own corpus, which is recognisable by their differences and specificities. At the same time, it is a comparative study that seeks to facilitate the registration of the Spanish experimental practices within the framework of international culture, not as an exception enclosed in its particularity, not as an immediate derivation of external trends, but as a reality to support a story that weaves together the local and the international. In short, it deals with recovering a recent fragment of architecture, in a key period in which Spain begins to open to the exchange of cultural and architectural theories and practices with the rest of Europe and America. This research wants to participate in the transmission of a complete legacy of the history of our culture and architectural practice, including parallel voices to the central discourse, and tracing a bridge between our architectural past and the new models of space claimed in the XXI century.