Patio bonitoun barrio sin proyecto

  1. Arboleda Kogson, Juliana
Supervised by:
  1. Xavier Monteys Roig Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 26 January 2016

  1. Carlos Francisco Lucas Dias Coelho Chair
  2. Roger Joan Sauquet Secretary
  3. Gianluca Burgio Committee member
  4. Óscar Pedrós Fernández Committee member
  5. Cristina Jover Fontanals Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 419754 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The dissertation focuses its study in Patio Bonito, a self-cons tructed neighborhood in the southwest of Bogota city, analyzing both home interiors and public spaces that were built by coliective work. The analysis provides the needed information to understand the most important characteristics of the construction of the street, from modifying the heights of housing, the use of the ground floor and the elements that complete and transform the public space, given their temporary location. In this way, values and contributions that the informal architecture generates in the city are recognized, demonstrating the immense value they have in the formation of the everyday. Such values are usualiy kept outside of academic discussions being considered unregulated. This dissertation is organized in five sections seeking to highlight different places in the neighborhood. Despite the specific structure , the sections have individual character and can be read independently. The first section deals with architecture and urban design topics, the neighborhood role in the city and its impact in the urban context, component parts of the neighborhood - public space , collective infrastructure, building typology , etc., sorne laws and important regulation as part of the historical process, and also a compa rison with sorne current projects and realities. The second section moves away from the generalities of the neighborhood to get into the house. Using an intimate approach, it is revealed what happens insid the house: how it is divided, ventilated , used and decorated. The third section describes three journeys inside the neighborhood , seeking to convey the atmosphere of what is built based on the reading of the street , its public space and trying to uncover ali of its features . The fourth section analyzes the elements helping to define the identity of the neighborhood , which are evident through the journeys showing the marks that citizens have left in public space. Here come into play ali artifacts related to peddling or coliective transport that complements and modifies the use of groun floors. The fifth and final section seeks to open the debate about the need of recognition of an architectural project defined in ali its parts and the existing mistrust in the popular wisdom, examining the influence of these aspects on our cities. The lack of project in popular architecture also entails a discussion about aesthetics in relation with the beautiful and the ugly. At the end this seeks to answer the question : What happens in everyday architecture in the absence of architectural project in the way we understand it in schools of architecture?