Salarios, capital humano y experiencia en Españaanálisis para el período 2006–2020

  1. Villasenin Ramos, Mabel Haydée
Supervised by:
  1. José Andrés Faíña Co-director
  2. Jesús López-Rodríguez Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 07 September 2022

  1. Isidoro Romero Luna Chair
  2. Laura Varela-Candamio Secretary
  3. Eugenio M. Fedriani Committee member
  1. Economics

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 740097 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The mincerian equation will be employ mainly, using as input data from the Spanish household budget survey realised in Spain, to analyze the consequences of the serious economic crisis suffered, so much to national level like regional, and determine whether there has been or not, a structural rupture. The international empirical literature that estimates the returns to education using mincerian income functions, is quite abundant. What pretends with the present investigation, is to focus in the Spanish case, with the objective of verifying how the evolving economic situation affects the returns obtained based on the years of academic training received, as well as what is the reaction of the affected in front of these changes. Finally, other estimation techniques will also be used, to complement the obtained results. This document is organized as follows. After a general introduction, the content of the research is structures into six chapters, which are grouped in what could be consider the basis of the research, environment and extensions. It finalises with the conclusions obtained and future lines of research. By means of two annexes, the information that allows a correct interpretation of the data sources is provided, as well as the estimates made on each of the autonomous communities, due to their extensión. Each chapter will begin with a summary of the objectives to be achieved, followed by an introduction to the subject posed, theoretical considerations, a brief review of the applicable literature, the methodology used, the data source used, the econometric estimates and the results obtained. At the end, a comparison if this is relevant, and the partial conclusions in which the results obtained are contrasted with the proposed.