Magnetic nanomaterials based on sustainable biopolymers for circular bioeconomy

  1. Alves, Lisandra Cristina de Castro
Supervised by:
  1. José Rivas Rey Director
  2. Yolanda Piñeiro Redondo Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 07 October 2022

  1. Jorge Mira Pérez Chair
  2. Manuel Sánchez Andújar Secretary
  3. Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Vasconcelos Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present thesis is focused on the development of biocompatible nanostructured materials with magnetic properties, combining biopolymers of algae orgin (e.g., alginate), plant origin (e.g., pectin,cellulose, pectin) and animal origin (e.g., chitosan). The main idea was to design magnetic materials with different morphology (beads, microfibers, films and capsules) and study their biocompatability,reusability and magnetic properties for posterior use in future and environmental applications.