Aproximación cuantitativa y cualitativa al análisis del Prácticum del Grado en Sociología (UDC)Evaluación, experiencia y resultados de aprendizaje

  1. Ariadna Rodriguez Teijeriro 1
  2. Raimundo Otero Enriquez 1
  1. 1 Universidad da Coruña
XV Jornades de Xarxes d’Investigació en Docència Universitària-XARXES 2017: Llibre d'actes
  1. Rosabel Roig-Vila (coord.)

Editorial: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-617-8972-6

Ano de publicación: 2017

Páxinas: 270-272

Congreso: Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (15. 2017. Alicante)

Tipo: Achega congreso


In the context of the EHEA the implementation of the Practicum has created a highly complex competence scenario when analysed by the teacher as a whole. The purpose of this text is to present a Practicum evaluation system launched for the first time during the academic year 2015/2016, in the framework of the Degree in Sociology of the UCD’s Faculty of Sociology and based on the experience and assessment of the students themselves. This system is based on a process of methodological triangulation, in which: 1) a qualitative and quantitative methodology is combined in order to increasethe reliability of the data obtained. And 2) a longitudinal optic is used to understand in depth, the evolution of this particular subject in the last five academic years, starting from the discourse ofgraduate students from different years. Specifically, the methodology used is based on: 1) a survey aimed to the 4th year Practicum students from the Degree in Sociology (academic year 2015/2016); and 2) in a longitudinal analysis raised through a second questionnaire to graduates of different academic years of the Degree in Sociology, and from a discussion group with graduate students.Also, the implemented evaluative tool allows to analyse in depth aspects related to the different dimensions of the Practicum as a curricular subject. Specifically: a) the organizational aspects ofthe internship program; B) the learning outcomes, competences and skills acquired through it; and c) the assessment of internship by students from the point of view of both personal and professionalexperience. The quantitative and qualitative results obtained from the evaluation system allow us to detect the possible weaknesses and strengths of the internship, based on the analysis of different items in which the most relevant aspects of its implementation and management process are collected. For instance,1) we can discern the degree of satisfaction among students towards the offered internship centres, the importance attributed to the Practicum as a subject within the curriculum, or the degree of satisfaction towards its academic evaluation system. From the point of view of the evaluation of learning outcomes, 2) it gives us insight into the degree of match between the training received during theDegree regarding the Practicum subject, and the assessment of different groups of graduate students on the knowledge and learning acquired. Finally, in a context of analytical deepening, 3) it allows usto know to what extent the realization of the curricular internship has led students to make contact with the professional field, or if it has facilitated to some extent their later integration in the labourmarket. Finally, we aim to explain the strategic measures detected to improve the Practicum, in the shortand medium term, in the field of quality and evaluation for the improvement of Higher Education. In this line, the results of the methodological triangulation will be presented which will also allowassessing the potential usefulness and applicability of this proposal for other centres and Degrees considering the development of internship within their curriculum.