Análisis comparativo de las aplicaciones móviles de destinos enoturísticos españoles

  1. Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares1 1
  2. Larissa Paola Macedo Castro Gabriel 1
  3. María Dolores Sánchez Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


IV Foro Internacional de Turismo Maspalomas Costa Canaria
  1. Benítez del Rosario, Juan Manuel (coord.)
  2. González Molina, Antonio (coord.)
  3. Breede Eyzaguirre, Claudia (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ISBN: 978-84-9042-301-1

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 327-340

Congress: Foro Internacional de Turismo Maspalomas Costa Canaria (4. 2016. Maspalomas)

Type: Conference paper


Wine tourism is a segment which recently has gained prominence in Spain. Since the destinations need promotional tools able to create advantages over its competitors, and new technologies should be used by tourism promoters offers services to the tourist, this article aims to analyze the mobile applications for wine tourism available in Spain. In order to achieve this goal, it was made a qualitative comparative study between mobile applications of the 23 wine routes of Spain. The aim was to identify the most important features they offer to potential visitors. It should be emphasized that it has found that the applications treat issues related to destination image, focusing on both affective and cognitive aspects of the wine routes. Furthermore, it was foundsome similarities in their communication strategies. We hope with this paper providing the studies related to marketing and new technologies with variables able to improve the competitiveness through mobile applications.