Obras gallegas en el Archivo Bereala aportación a la vida musical coruñesa desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XX y el patrimonio musical gallego de la saga Berea

  1. García Armas, Nilo Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. Rosa Martín Vaquero Co-director
  2. Rocío Chao-Fernández Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2022

  1. Ángel Justo Estebaranz Chair
  2. Eva María Espiñeira Bellón Secretary
  3. Vicenta Gisbert Caudeli Committee member
  1. Humanities

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 730016 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The Berea Archive is a collection of vital importance for the study of musical life in A Coruña and Galicia in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is an indispensable instrument for the study of that time, as well as the works and authors that flourished in it. It is, therefore, a first-rate historical source, as it reveals the preferred repertoire and also the splendor of musical activity in these years. In this research, the cultural weight of the Berea family saga in Galicia is analyzed through the análisis of various documentary sources coming mainly from the music store, other archives and the newspaper library, especially in the period run by Canuto Berea Rodríguez (1836-1891), who, in addition to being a multifaceted musician, had a life with social implications. and politics, becoming mayor of A Coruña. The important editorial work of the society Canuto Berea and Company at the turn of the century is confirmed. Of the Berea Archive, its collection of scores stands out, and all the Galician musical works conserved there are classified, which are a key piece of the Galician cultural revitalization from the Rexurdimento to the Galician nationalism of the Second Republic of 1931 in the musical field.