Optimización del aprendizaje mediante el empleo de simuladores

  1. Pita Fernández, Manuel Santiago
Supervised by:
  1. Rebeca Bouzón Co-director
  2. Diego Vergara Rodríguez Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 07 April 2022

  1. Cristina V. Durán Grados Chair
  2. José A. Orosa Secretary
  3. Pablo Fernández Arias Committee member
  1. Nautical Sciences and Marine Engineering

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 712939 DIALNET


This thesis attempts to demonstrate the effectiveness of learning through the use of simulators in a training course such as Naval Engineering. In traditional teaching, the student is a passive subject, the teacher is the one who possesses and transmits the contents. In this case, the student's evaluation is based on the knowledge acquired which, on occasions, may be separated from professional practice. However, in competency-based training, the objective of the process is to achieve a complete learning process that complies with knowing, knowing how to do, knowing how to be. The teacher is an advisor and measurer of learning, which is why he designs teaching in a way that involves the student and participates actively. The emergence of training focused on skills adapted to the profession and the priority established by the European Union in training using Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) tools, makes it necessary to adapt the training of the seafarer to the environment with the one that they will meet later in their professional life and advance in training through virtual environments consistent with their performance. The STCW defines the competencies that a marine engineer must acquire. Each competency implies learning objectives; reaching these objectives is the key to develop the marine engineer's training, therefore, new teaching needs arise, such as training methods to be applied in an engine room simulator. The simulators used in training must be able to create a virtual environment to handle all possible elements of the equipment on board. The degree of perfection of the simulator is higher depending on the degree of realism, the number of functions that can be manipulated and the number of possible errors of this equipment. In accordance with this, the study carried out by our research team with the students sought their interaction with the teams, so that the attitude had to be active, making the classes more enjoyable and forcing attention so as not to lose detail and maximize learning.