The EU's Role in the Progress Towards the Recognition and Execution of Foreign Administrative ActsThe Principie of Mutoal Recognition and the Transnational Nature of Certain Administrative Acts

  1. Juan José Pemas García
Recognition of foreign administrative acts
  1. Rodríguez-Arana Muñoz, Xaime (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Springer Suiza

ISBN: 9783319189734

Año de publicación: 2016

Páginas: 15-32

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-18974-1_2 WoS: WOS:000369639200003 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The EU has promoted the mutual recognition of national administrative acts and therefore helped provide extraterritorial effectiveness to the administrative decisions of the Member States. This phenomenon has been carried out in the EU through secondary legal norms, in areas where the EU has intense competence or powers. These community norms of secondary legislation are an expression of the principle of mutual recognition, which has been the axis around which the EU internal market has been built.