Morphologic types of speleothems in magmatic rock caves

  1. Vidal Romaní J. R.
  2. Vaqueiro Rodríguez, M.
  3. Sanjurjo Sánchez, J.
  4. González López, L.
Avances de la Geomorfología en España 2012-2014
  1. Susanne Schnabel (coord.)
  2. Álvaro Gómez Gutiérrez (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Extremadura

ISBN: 978-84-617-1123-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 490-493

Congress: Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología (13. 2014. Cáceres)

Type: Conference paper


Since they were described for the first time by Caldcleugh in 1829, 4 criteria have been used: mineralogical that only considers the chemical-mineralogical compositions of the sample; morphologic that assimilates them to the ones belonging to marine (coralloids and marine stromatolites) or continental (terrestrial or superficial stromatolites) environments; sedimentary that assimilates them to their karstic counterparts (stalactites, stalagmites and flowstone) assuming that they are due to water dripping; and biological (biospeleothems) due to their relationship with microorganisms. The classification presented in this paper is based on the morphology and the most influential factors on their formation such as water circulation regime (dripping, capillarity, superficial stress, etc.), association of microorganisms that occupy the magmatic rock caves, and chemicalmineralogical composition of the bedrock.