Audiencias participativasel poder de la multitud en tiempos de crowdfunding

  1. Mónica López Golán
Revista latina de sociología

ISSN: 2253-6469

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Monográfico sobre comunicación

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-12

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17979/RELASO.2018.8.1.3251 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista latina de sociología


This article seeks to identify the benefits provided by crowdfunding as a new strategy for funding, compared to the hegemonic sources that have traditionally provided the necessary capital to Latin American producers for creating audio-visual projects. Using the case study method, we analyse a wide range of Argentine, Brazilian and Chilean audio-visual projects that have been funded in this way. The results show that virtual communities form the backbone of this new form of collective financing. The quality of the product, combined with an attractive graphic presentation and a carefully designed communication strategy managed through social networks, increases the possibility of crowdfunding campaigns succeeding in the Latin American audio-visual sector. Finally, taking into account the fact that the platforms which specialise in this strategy exist to make projects a reality without the backing of famous personalities, we can conclude that the promoters of campaigns which have been responsible for previous successes, recognised by the public at large, offer greater credibility and more guarantees for the quality in the final result of the product.

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