La enfermedad vista a través de las relaciones de sucesos

  1. Peñasco, Sandra Mª
Artifara: Revista de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas

ISSN: 1594-378X

Ano de publicación: 2013

Número: 13

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Artifara: Revista de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas


The issues dealt with by relaciones de sucesos are diverse: political and religious events, ceremonies and celebrations, trips, special events, etc.. Disease and medicine have, indeed, a principal place in many of these texts. From the feeling of pain that some subjects suffer for their sick king, to the explanation of a plague as divine punishment, to the curiosity of knowing the strange case of a single disease and the medicinal remedies or the Marian miracle through which it was appeased, all these and many other events fill the pages of these works. The aim of my work is to present these texts, through the analysis of specific examples, as a valuable source of information of wide spectrum, since they provide us with historical, sociological, scientific, and, of course, literary data.