Sistema integrado de gestión como herramienta de competitividad y sustentabilidad de la cadena de valor del maní en Córdoba, Argentina

  1. Marín, María Andrea
Supervised by:
  1. Eva Vidal-Vázquez Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 10 September 2021

  1. Antonio Paz González Chair
  2. Xan Xosé Neira Seijo Secretary
  3. Marcela Lilian Martínez Committee member
  1. Physics and Earth Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 682753 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Peanut production in Argentina is concentrated in the province of Córdoba (88%) and of all the peanuts produced, 95% is exported, making it the third largest exporter in the world. The peanut chain is considered a "regional economy", due to part of the development of the central-south / west of that province. The companies make up a cluster, nucleated in the ―Cámara Argentina de Maní‖. ―Maní de Córdoba - Certificación de Origen‖ is a certification that guarantees premium quality, according to international standards of quality assurance, safety and social, environmental and economic sustainability. The peanut cluster companies have certified quality, safety and environmental management systems, each of them independently. The actions that guarantee safety and health at work are in accordance with current legislation; however, the individual certification of each of these standards and the maintenance of these certifications leads to a segmented work that brings as a consequence a number of disadvantages or difficulties, in operational and strategic management. This project set out to develop a management system that integrates existing management systems, that harmonizes with the requirements of the export market and includes the evaluation and monitoring of greenhouse gases and the carbon footprint produced per campaign, in a peanuts factory in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. The integrated system was designed from a common core that includes the analysis of the context of the organization, needs and expectations of the interested parties, the management of risks and opportunities, support processes, the development of competencies, the staff commitment to continuous improvement and leadership and commitment of the management team. The designed implementation strategy is expected to be implemented by the company.