Emilia Pardo Bazán. Notas para un debate necesario
Universidade da Coruña
ISSN: 2530-3813
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 5
Pages: 24-45
Type: Article
More publications in: Follas novas: revista de estudos rosalianos
The centenary of the death of Emilia Pardo Bazán deserves an approach, again, to her work and her personality. This article proposes a series of topics for debate that we believe need to be addressed from their homeland, Galicia. One of them, the main one, is precisely her conception of it, her inalienable aspiration to succeed in Spanish literature and, from here, her rejection of Galician literature expressed in Galician with a universal vocation, such as that made by Rosalía de Castro. Attention is paid to two contemporary works (1888) and contrary in their aesthetics and ideology: “Mi romería”, by Pardo Bazán, and O divino sainete, by Manuel Curros Enríquez: thesis and antithesis of the same event
Bibliographic References
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- GARCÍA NEGRO, María Pilar (2013): Cantares gallegos, hoxe. Unha lectura actualizada de Rosalía de Castro, Alvarellos, Santiago de Compostela.
- LÓPEZ VARELA, Elisardo (1998 [1ª ed.: 1888]): A poesía galega de Manuel Curros Enríquez, Deputación da Coruña.
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- MURGUÍA, Manuel M. (2000): Murguía en La Voz de Galicia, Biblioteca Gallega.
- PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia (1888): Mi romería, http: // cdigital.dgb.uanl./mx/ la/1020027925/1020027925.
- PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia (1984 [1ª ed.: 1888]): De mi tierra, Xerais, Vigo.
- PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia (2010): Obra crítica (1888-1908), edición e introdución de Íñigo Sánchez Llama, Cátedra, Madrid.
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