Nuevos hábitos de consumo televisivoretos de la audiencia en diferido

  1. González Neira, Ana
  2. Fernández Martínez, Luis Manuel
Index.comunicación: Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada

ISSN: 2174-1859

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Intersecciones televisivas

Volume: 9

Issue: 3

Pages: 75-92

Type: Article

DOI: 10.33732/IXC/09/03NUEVOS DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Index.comunicación: Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada


Nowadays, television is in a clear renovation position due to mediatic alignment processes. The recent technological changes have altered the definition of the time-space viewing, so it's being necessary to approach a new type of consumption that today is securing itself progressively: the time shifted audience. This investigation relates to this kind of audience facing the traditional one/spectators in the TV market in Spain, based on the 2008's ratings. It keeps the line of previous studies, but with an updated time frame in which Television consumption has been outstandingly altered by the introduction of the Over-the-top media services (OTT). The results show that it stands as an increasing consumption in Spain, with a clearly visible preference for Spanish series. There is an evident discrepancy between the top- rated shows in the traditional linear TV and the time shifted audience. These results let us deal with a reflection about the complications of programming for a prime-time that is consumed out of prime-time, the reasons for this increase of this type of consumption, or the difficulties suggested by the schedules at present.

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