Historia de vida ocupacional basada en una adaptación contextual del modelo Kawa: reflexiones para una terapia ocupacional culturalmente responsable

  1. Silvia Veiga Seijo
  2. Adriana Ávila Álvarez
  3. Natalia Rivas Quarneti
Revista electrónica de terapia ocupacional Galicia, TOG

ISSN: 1885-527X

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 16

Issue: 30

Pages: 178-194

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista electrónica de terapia ocupacional Galicia, TOG


Objective: The aim of this study is to explore and reflect on the occupational life story of a senior participant using the Kawa Model of occupational therapy. Method: We adapted the Kawa Model due to its suitability for understanding the participant’s story of engagement in his daily occupations from a critical and cultural perspective. The participant was an expert in his own life story. As data generation methods, we used semi-structured and unstructured interviews, participant observation, photos, and meaningful personal objects. Results: For the participant, wood is an essential element in his life since he is a carpenter and engages in wood related occupations. As wood is a means of personal and social transformation, we used wood and a growing tree as metaphors to be used as an adaptation of the Kawa Model to articulate his occupational life history. Conclusions: The participant’s occupational life history is presented through the metaphor of wood and a growing tree as a meaningful, contextual and cultural sensitive adaptation of the Kawa Model. This work ultimately contributes to promote the cultural responsibility in the praxis of occupational therapy and Occupational Science from a critical perspective.