Desarrollo de la potencia aeróbica para jóvenes velocistas.Una experiencia de estimación de la intensidad y control fisiológico de la misma

  1. Rafael Martín Acero
Apunts: Medicina de l'esport

ISSN: 1886-6581 0213-3717

Ano de publicación: 1987

Volume: 24

Número: 92

Páxinas: 115-122

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Apunts: Medicina de l'esport


After a brief physiological examination, underlining particularly the aerobic/ anaerobic characteristics of a young athlete, which can be extended to other sports of the same structure, the training methods of Aerobic potential are indicated plus their spacial and temporary position in the training programme, and the different ways to estímate the íntensity of the run for each distance in the fractional method for each individual. The different methods of intensíty estimation have been compared with data obtained through Lactacidemia test in the Double Intensity Intensíty Mader Test. A simple method of controllíng aerobic work training in sports has been worked out, or tests of Explosive Strength characteristics, with the specific experience of the Catalonian School of Athletics (Centre D'AIt Rendiment de Velocitat i Tanques) with young women athletes.