Importancia de las imágenes espaciales en el rendimiento académico en Economía

  1. Dopico, Jesús A. 1
  2. González, María Ángeles 1
  3. Campos-Juanatey, Diego 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación

ISSN: 2386-7418

Ano de publicación: 2017

Título do exemplar: XIV Congreso de Psicopedagogía. Área 1: APRENDIZAJE, MEMORIA Y MOTIVACIÓN

Número: 1

Páxinas: 93-96

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.17979/REIPE.2017.0.01.2279 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


In order to analyze the influence of spatial ability, mental rotation ability and gender, in the performance in Economics, the Measure of the Abililty to Form Spatial Mental Imagery, and the Mental Rotation Test, were applied to a group of 119 students of Business Administration. Their performance on a test about a graphic model widely used in the teaching of macroeconomics, and their examination results in Economic Policy, were obtained. Participants with high mental rotation ability scored significantly higher than those with low mental rotation ability, both in the graph test as in the assessed subject. Both performance scores were significantly higher in women than in men. Finally, the score obtained in the graph test by individuals with high spatial image ability was significantly higher than the score obtained by students with low spatial ability

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