La acción tutorial en la facultad de Economía y Empresa de la UDC:modelo, recursos y experiencias

  1. Lema Fernández, Carmen Socorro 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Anales de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 2171-892X

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 25

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de ASEPUMA


The personalized and committed attention of the tutor (teacher in the degree), which consists in orienting, guiding, informing and training the student in the different aspects of his academic, professional and personal trajectory, so that he reaches the highest level of development is, among others, the main activity of the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT) of the University of Coruña (UDC). This article presents the model of tutorial action implemented and developed for the degrees of the faculty of Economics and Business of the UDC, and special emphasis is placed on the main agents of the same: students, coordinator/PAT of the faculty, coordinator/PAT of degree, coordinator of the Training and Resources Service, tutors-teachers, including senior tutors and mentor students (peer tutoring). Likewise, the topics discussed and the experiences acquired as teacher-tutor from the academic course 2012/2013 in this faculty, and some results derived from the opinions of the students and teachers about the PAT, are related

Bibliographic References

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  • Rumbo, B. y Gómez, T.F. (2011) “La acción tutorial en un contexto universitario masificado y la reivindicación europea de su valor formativo”. Revista de Formación e Innovación Educativa Universitaria, 4, 1, pp. 13-34.
  • Villena M.D., Muñoz, A. y Polo, M.T. (2013) “La Unidad de Orientación de Centro como instrumento para la Orientación Universitaria”. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 11, 2, pp. 43-62.