Estudio documental de las necesidades ocupacionales de la población del ayuntamiento de Fene.

  1. García-Farinha, Alba
  2. Viana-Moldes, Inés 1
  3. Rivas-Quarneti, Natalia 2
  4. Miguéns Vázquez, Xoán 3
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña. España
  2. 2 Brunel University London

    Brunel University London

    Uxbridge, Reino Unido


  3. 3 Unversidade da Coruña. España
Revista electrónica de terapia ocupacional Galicia, TOG

ISSN: 1885-527X

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 14

Issue: 25

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista electrónica de terapia ocupacional Galicia, TOG


Objective: To describe the occupational needs of the population of municipality of Fene and to detect the most urgent priorities of action, of the present to ten years. Methods: A descriptive study is realized through the quantitative methodology, following the structure of the Person-Environment-Occupation Model. Data collection was carried out through contact with city council and public databases (IGE, INE). For the data analysis, the Excel program of the Microsoft Office 2013 package was used. Results: The occupational needs of the Fene municipality’s population are detected and a few lines of action are suggested of the present to ten years. These lines are: the attention to the elderly; the accompaniment in the process of retirement; the attention to the infancy and to the adolescence, as well as, to the disability and to the dependence; the attention to the persons in situation of unemployment or precariousness work and; finally, to promote and to guarantee the accessibility of Fene's environment, as well as, of the entity of the council.Conclusion: Unemployment, job precariousness and the aging of the population are social problems of the population. Providing health, well-being and quality of life to the people, should be one of the priorities of action for the authorities.