Libertad religiosa y no discriminación en el ámbito laboral en Estados Unidos

  1. Garcimartin, Carmen
Derecho y religión

ISSN: 1887-3243

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 11

Pages: 137-162

Type: Article

More publications in: Derecho y religión


The ban of discrimination for religious reasons in the labor field stems from different sources. It is regulated in the Civil Rights Act, but it is a First Amendment issue when the employeer is a federal entity. This chapter deals with the regulations of the prohibition of discrimination for religious reasons; then, it analyzes the subjects of this obligation, with a particular reference to the ministerial exception. Afterwards, it studies the content of the ban of discrimination, devoting a special attention to the idea of the reasonable accommodation, as a duty posed on the employeer, that has been largely developed in the case law.

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