Políticas inclusivas de vivienda a través de la actuación municipal en la erradicación del chabolismoEl realojo del poblado de Culleredo (Galicia, España)

  1. Carmen Gago-Cortés
  2. Isabel Novo-Corti
Gestión y política pública

ISSN: 2448-9182 1405-1079

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 131-167

Type: Article

More publications in: Gestión y política pública


This paper analyzes public policies implemented to improve shanty towns in Spain. In this country, most of the shanty towns are inhabited by gypsy families in a situation of a multiple social exclusion. It is hypothesized that the implementation of appropriate public policies boosts the social inclusion of this population. The relocation of the gypsy slum of Culleredo (Galicia, Spain) has been analyzed where since 1985 the institutions have designed policies that show very promising results. It has been tested the hypothesis by conducting a questionnaire drove to people from different sectors affected by this action. A quantitative analysis has been performed; qualitative information extracted from face to face questionnaires was also incorporated. The study has identified factors that explain those different results in terms of the policies. The findings indicate that jointly develop policies for access to housing and social policies should be conducted.

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