Análisis de sensibilidad y estudio crítico del modelo de evaluación de la sostenibilidad de la Instrucción Española de Hormigón Estructural
- J. Mel 1
- D. Gómez 2
- P. de la Cruz 3
- A. del Caño 3
- 1 Ministerio de Defensa, Jefatura de Instalaciones Navales, Arsenal Militar de Ferrol, España
- 2 Intacta Gestión Ambiental S.L. A Coruña, España
- 3 Universidade da Coruña, España
ISSN: 0020-0883
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 67
Issue: 539
Type: Article
More publications in: Informes de la construcción
This paper presents the results of the sensitivity analysis performed for the sustainability assessment model of the Spanish Code on Structural Concrete, EHE-08. It also portrays the results of a life-cycle analysis (LCA) related to energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Comparisons are made between those findings, for suggesting improvements to the model. The main conclusion is that some weights and value functions employed in the EHE-08 are not consistent with the LCA. The new versions of the Spanish Code should include other weights and value functions to get closer to the LCA results.
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