Mujeres reclusas y el papel de la educación

  1. Isabel Novo Corti 1
  2. María Barreiro Gen 1
  3. Bárbara Espada Formoso 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Hekademos: revista educativa digital

ISSN: 1989-3558

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 16

Pages: 17-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Hekademos: revista educativa digital


Prison population represents a group at risk of exclusion. Others causes of exclusion are often added to the status of inmate; for instance, gender, ethnic group or race reasons. Female prison population, es-pecially, is a minority of that group. Others circumstances are added to be woman and inmate, overlap-ping them and doing difficult the achievement of the full social inclusion. Education is one of the most important instruments to avoid the exclusion. Because of that, the role of training in the women in-mates’ life that are prisoners in one of the four prisons in Galicia (northwest of Spain) that have female population (Teixeiro, in A Coruña, A Lama, in Pontevedra, Bonxe, in Lugo and Pereiro de Aguiar, in Ourense) is analysed in this work. Moreover, other possible causes of their engagement or disengage-ment with training are studied, with the objective of doing easier policy elaboration for action in this area. To do this, a qualitative analysis was carried out, using face-to-face interviews. Results show that the disconnection that stills exists between education and women prisoners is linked with the existence of other problems. The most of them are related with personal and family areas and it is necessary to take them into account when educative policies for female prison population are prepared, in the case of formal education and also complementary courses.

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