Participación pública en la gestión del aguaun análisis de los procesos participativos desarrollados sobre los planes hidrológicos de las cuencas gallegas

  1. Lema-Blanco, Isabel
  2. García Mira, Ricardo
Administración & cidadanía: revista da Escola Galega de Administración Pública

ISSN: 1887-0279 1887-0287

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 9-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Administración & cidadanía: revista da Escola Galega de Administración Pública


The EC Water Framework Directive 2000/60 is the basic rule that presides, since 2000, the water management of the European Union. It has led, at the time of approval, a change in the philosophy of the traditional management of water resources. From a “developmentalist” conception, based on the use of rivers for all uses and demands, a new “conservative” vision is addressed, which aims prevention, conservation and recovery of the good ecological status of water masses, as well as its sustainable use. Second, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes public participation as one of the pillars of the new water policy. The WFD distinguishes three forms of public participation: access to the information , public consultation at all stages of the planning process and, thirdly, active public involvement in the planning process. Galicia has two different hydrological boundaries: Galicia-Coast, covering Galician inland basins (which are managed by the Government of Galicia through the autonomous organization “Augas de Galicia”) and the Miño-Sil, composed of international basins of the Miño and Limia (state responsibility assumed by Hydrographic Confederation of Miño-Sil rivers). This article discusses the experiences of public participation developed by both administrations during the last phase of the planning process, corresponding to the development, public consultation and approval of the final documents of the management plans of both watersheds. Objectives of public participation set by the WFD and the methods and activities in both districts to promote information, consultation and public participation on hydrological plans of Galicia-Coast and Minho-Sil are analyzed.