The relevance of human capital as a driver for innovation
ISSN: 2340-6704, 0210-0266
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 35
Issue: 98
Pages: 68-76
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance
This article seeks to clarify the impact of human capital on the innovation capacity of companies. We employ the literature review and some personals interpretations. Results have relevant implications for managers of companies that are interested in promoting their innovation activity. By considering how human capital is related with the innovation process, this article attempts to provide a useful guide of human capital indicators within the intellectual capital framework. We consider that the basic contribution of our work is the development of a system of indicators for human capital management with the objective of allowing for a clear picture of links between strategic human resources and the innovation capacity of companies. Moreover, it can be easily adapted to a given type of organization and, therefore, serve to compare companies belonging to the same sector of activity.
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