La inversión en capital humano de los jóvenes gallegos¿sigue siendo rentable la educación?

  1. Freire, María Jesús
  2. Teijeiro Álvarez, Mercedes
Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN: 2340-6704 0210-0266

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 33

Issue: 92

Pages: 45-70

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/S0210-0266(10)70064-9 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openBiblos-e Archivo editor

More publications in: Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance

Sustainable development goals


An important part of the health of any economy is reflected in the evolution of its labour market. To determine the characteristics of the main variables is essential for making a diagnosis of labour insertion. Despite returns to education wide use in the investigation, very few studies exist which expand on this topic, focusing on the particular problems of youth population. This research aims to analyze the private performance that young people get from investment in education, taking by reference the Mincer earnings equations. The study is conducted with micro data from a survey performed in 2008 in different geographical are as (Bergantiños, Costa da Morte and Ferrolterra) of the Autonomous Community of Galicia. The target population are young workers aged between 16 and 34 years, last both inclusive. The analysis explores a number of basic features of the individuals in the sample, the most significant are: gender, educational level, age, experience, paid employment and the preference of work locations nearby at home.

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