Implantación de un SIG libre para la gestión de EIEL de PontevedraOpenGisEIEL

  1. Varela-García, Francisco-Alberto
  2. Valera García, Juan Ignacio
  3. Martínez Crespo, Gonzalo
  4. Marcote Carballo, Eugenio José

ISSN: 1131-9100

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 140

Páxinas: 28-30

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Mapping


The Survey on Infrastructure and Local Facilities (EIEL) is a public inventory in demand of the Ministerio de Política Territorial to Provincial Councils. The objective of this survey is to analyze and to assess the needs of the local entities related to infrastructures and facilities allowances. Within of the bet to improve and modernize their planning process and territorial infrastructures management, the Public Administrations are beginning to use the Geographic and Communication Information Technologies, EIEL is an example of this. In this context, the Provincial Council of Pontevedra has decided to start to work in the deployment of a free and corporative GIS application, based on gvSIG mainly, in addition to own developments that make easier the necessary tasks in the EIEL management. This initiative not only improves the work of the provincial technicians, but also it makes possible to present a set of gvSIG extensions that they are very useful for the community of free GIS users. These extensions can be used individually or as a group making up the application openGisEIEL.