Navtableuna aplicación para la gestión de registros en GVSIG

  1. Varela-García, Francisco-Alberto
  2. Valera García, Juan Ignacio
  3. Sanxiao Roca, Pablo José
  4. Estévez Valiñas, Javier

ISSN: 1131-9100

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 140

Pages: 24-27

Type: Article

More publications in: Mapping


Most of the general purpose Geographic Information Systems, use tables with rows and columns to access the alphanumeric data associated to geographic elements. Values of each element are represented in a row, separating the attributes by columns. In this kind of tables, when there is a lot of information in both cases number of elements as well as associate fields, the reading and edition operations can be awkward. Besides, certain tasks as, for example, the revision of territorial elements inventories must take into account the spatial component of the elements therefore can work with the geometry associate to the records, at the same time, it is very useful. To resolve this problematic, the Cartographic Engineering Laboratory (CartoLab) of the University of A Coruña has developed a new extension to gvSIG, NavTable, that allows the access to the data record by record by means of a table in vertical way.