El "biofeedback" en reeducación perineoesfinteriana uroginecológica

  1. Meilán Devesa, José Ramón
  2. Valancogne, Guy
  3. Vázquez, S.
  4. Meilán Sánchez, Raquel

ISSN: 0211-5638

Year of publication: 1998

Issue Title: Freedback

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 49-55

Type: Article

More publications in: Fisioterapia


Urinary or anal incontinence problems and problems of pelvic statics are among the concerns of the «modern», active and young woman. These problems are frequent and numerous and involve a large population. Improvement in anatomophysiological and epidemiological knowledge implies better knowledge of physiopathology. The development of perineal-sphincteral reeducation techniques makes it possible to improve better the indications and protocols of reeducation as well as the respective interest in the different techniques based on the different diseases