La cocina-moderna en la vivienda colectiva española de la primera mitad del siglo XX

  1. María Carreiro Otero 1
  2. Cándido López González 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


La casa: Espacios domésticos, modos de habitar
  1. J. Calatrava (coord.)

Publisher: Abada

ISBN: 978-84-17301-24-8

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 1236-1247

Congress: Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad (2. 2019. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


The text deals with the transit from the pre-modern kitchen, a room with fireplace, to the kitchenmodern, a specialised enclosure, through significant housing projects of Spanish architecture carried out between the 1920s and late 50s. The selected projects are described analytically by taking the kitchen as the focal point. They are considered for this purpose the six aspects that identify the kitchen-modern, a stay with a clear impact on the organization and comfort domestic designed by women architects and women economists from Central European in the 1920s. The study reveals that, in Spain, the addition of the kitchen-modern housing was made through a gradual process of transition, slow and uneven. It also confirms the absence of Spanish women architects in its ideation.