La arquitectura desde un espacio topológico en oriente y occidentetradición y actualidad

  1. Bouza Romero, Laura
  2. Prieto, Juan Ignacio dir.
Horizonte: volumen 01, 2015 & 2016
  1. Crespo González, Cristobal (coord.)
  2. Prieto López, Juan Ignacio (coord.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-706-0

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 6-15

Type: Book chapter


The way in which space is understood is an essential part of the architectural project. Its conception is notan isolatedelement, but it is greatly influenced bythe sociocultural conditions of its immediate surroundings. Neither is it a static entity, as it has to respond to today's changing reality. A world in which an atmosphere of transformation, time and sensitivity prevails, topological relationships that will allow the subjectivity of space for each individual. Freedom that wi II enrich society's spatial perception. Thus, the objective of th is research is the study of the topological conception of space in two cultures as influential as the eastern and the western, analyzing differences and similarities between classical and contemporary works of both worlds.