Strategic and Organizational Considerations Related to an E-Learning ModelA Case of Study

  1. Nuria Calvo
  2. Paolo Rungo
  3. Ignacio Moreno
Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information
  1. Juana-Espinosa, Susana de (coord.)
  2. Jose Antonio Fernandez-Sanchez (coord.)
  3. Encarnacion Manresa-Marhuenda (coord.)
  4. Jorge Valdes-Conca (coord.)

Editorial: Information Science Reference

ISBN: 978-1-61350-207-5

Año de publicación: 2012

Páginas: 125

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The aim of this chapter is to assess the impact of different organizational factors on the success of elearning programs, in terms of both self-reported satisfaction and the level of learning. Hence, this study adds to the analysis ofthe efficacy of e-learning models from an organizational perspective by providing some useful insights, which may help to improve decision-making related to employee's continuing education and satisfaction. This simulation, using a bivariate ordered probit model, shows that economic and indirect economic incentives play a key role in augmenting the level of both satisfaction and learning. This analysis also considers how efficacy of learning programs may thus improve by linking the human resources development policy with results obtained in e-learning courses.