Producción cultural y turistificaciónla construcción de la ciudad creativa en A Coruña

  1. Alberto Rodríguez Barcón
  2. Estefanía Calo
  3. Raimundo Otero Enríquez
V Congresso Internacional Cidades Criativas: Libro de Actas
  1. Luís Alberto Alves (coord.)
  2. Francisco García García (coord.)
  3. Pedro Alves (coord.)

Publisher: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-940289-8-4

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 2

Pages: 699-710

Congress: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (5. 2017. Oporto)

Type: Conference paper


In this paper we try to demonstrate how the city of A Coruna (Spain) is reconfiguring its production model as a result of enhancing the cultural dimension as a transverse element in the overall of public policies of management and urban regeneration. On the one hand, this strategy reinforces the brand image of the city and its symbolic capital and, secondly, strengthen models of cultural consumption resulting from increased creative classes in the city. First, we analyse and located at District level the increase of so-called creative classes through the initial approach of Richard Florida and propose an indicator of own elaboration. We characterize the implementation of public policies of cultural production in the design of large urban regeneration projects and technological development in three paradigmatic scenarios that confirm how culture has become the cornerstone of planning and urban marketing. First, a scenario for cultural instrumentalisation exemplified in the case of the Project of an Avenue of Innovation and a Creative District; second, a phenomenon of touristification of the central area of the city known as “Works of La Marina”; and finally a process of spectacularisation of urban management by introducing technology applications through the “Coruña Smart City” program