Revisión de la investigación publicada sobre comunicación móvil en revistas españolas de referencia

  1. Gil Pons, Eva
  2. Díaz-González, María-Jesús
  3. Costa Sánchez, Carmen
La comunicación pública, secuestrada por el mercado
  1. Mateos Martín, Concha (coord.)
  2. Ardèvol Abreu, Alberto Isaac (coord.)
  3. Toledano Buendía, Samuel (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-939337-5-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 15-16

Congress: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (3. 2011. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


The diffusion of the mobile telephony in Europe is close to 100%, meaning that the number of users is comparable to the whole population. Spain is obviously not an exception: in 2006 the number of lines exceeded the total population (with a penetration rate of 107%), while Internet penetration barely exceeds 50%. Telecommunications companies have invested much effort to get broadband networks to offer quality and speed of access to content on the move. In the MWC (Mobile World Congress) held in Barcelona (February 2011) was released that in 2010, for the first time, more smartphones than PCs were sold and the data traffic over mobile networks was multi plied by ten. This increase, as the manufacturers and mobile operators ensures, will double in 2012, and again in 2014. The main consequence is that information and entertainment contents, whose target is to reach a millionaire audience, are now distributed and consumed in mobility. The technological possibilities, and the acceptance by the receivers, are developed very rapidly. In that way, it is difficult to encompassing them all in the communication research area, which by its nature, requires perspective and reflection. Our working group is researching on this line and intends to contribute to the analysis of this phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to show the results of a full review of scientific literature published in Spanish journals considered of reference, from 2009 to the present on the subject of study aforementioned. On one hand, we present a quantitative analysis that shows the attention by researchers. On the other hand, the study provides a review of the topics addressed within the global phenomenon of mobile communication.