Turismo religioso y destinos maduros. La gestión turística de dos catedralesPalma de Mallorca y Barcelona

  1. Abril Sellarés, María
  2. Azpelicueta Criado, María del Carmen
  3. Sánchez Fernández, María Dolores
Cultura, desarrollo y nuevas tecnologías: VII Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo, Sevilla, 11 y 12 de Junio de 2014

Editorial: Red de Impresión

ISBN: 978-84-942296-2-6

Ano de publicación: 2014

Páxinas: 211-228

Congreso: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Turismo y Finanzas. Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo (7. 2014. Sevilla)

Tipo: Achega congreso


In young tourist destinations create services and products can get to it relatively simple thanks to the predisposition and assimilation from other destinations. However, in consolidate destinations it�s necessary to look for new proposals to set new goals and deliver innovative versions management products and services, because they usually have well established services which attract large number of tourists. Both (young and consolidate destinations), trying to satisfy the demanding and increasing more varied tourist demand, an added new challenges: The diversification of products, the increase of the average expense of the tourist and the reduction of the seasonal nature (IDOM, 2011). Based on these realities there arises the interest of this study to know in depth an Heritage Resource treated as a Tourist Resources, belonging to two consolidate destinations of Mediterranean places. The Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona, still in the distance, there has a series of elements and patterns together. Two cities, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona that attract by offering essentially similar and at the same time diverse tourists services. Whrere the Cathedrals are not considered Rank 2 in tourist flows, according to the classification established by CICATUR�]OEA.