Détermination, incorporation et phraséologie das les constructions à verbe support
- Blanco Escoda, Xavier (ed. lit.)
- Buvet, Pierre-André (ed. lit.)
- Gavriilidou, Zoé (coord.)
Publisher: John Benjamins
ISBN: 90-272-3133-8
Year of publication: 2001
Pages: 51-65
Congress: Colloque Détermination et Formalisation (1. 2000. Barcelona)
Type: Conference paper
We present the behaviour of the determiner in the support verb constructions (SVC) in Spanish. The knitted character of expressions like hacer men cion "to make mention", tomar conciencia lit. "to take conscience" ("to become aware of'), etc. led some grammarians to treat these constructions like a sort of verbal complex. With the concept of syntactic incorporation, they want to explain that the noun has lost its syntactic status and it has become part of the verbal syntactic unit. However, we will show that: 1) the absence of the determiner is not an identifying criterion for the SVC; 2) the concept of syntactic incorporation would assimilate SVC to the word-forms whereas these differ considerably from a phonological and a morphological point of view; and 3) the SVC are semantic units, but not syntactic units: they are syntagms.