Fishing enterprises towards sustainable fisheries in the eu's reform of the common fisheries policy
- Sandalli, Giulia
- Rafael Casado Raigón Director/a
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Córdoba (ESP)
Fecha de defensa: 23 de mayo de 2017
- Giuseppe Melis Presidente/a
- Pietro Pustorino Secretario/a
- Miguel García García-Revillo Vocal
- José Manuel Sobrino Heredia Vocal
- Angela Del Vecchio Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
1. introducción o motivación de la tesis Fisheries enterprises and organisations are important actors within the EU’s recently reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), as they are the main addressees of its provisions and, at the same time, key contributors towards sustainable fisheries. The purpose of the thesis is to provide a thorough analysis of the CFP in its environmental, economic and social dimensions, to assess its impact on fisheries communities and their mindset, i.e. their ways to approach problems and conduct and organise their businesses and activities, especially with regards to Producers’ Organisations (POs), artisanal, small-scale and industrial fisheries, processors and other operators in the chain. 2.contenido de la investigación The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union is therefore studied in the following aspects: their influence of fisheries enterprises and stakeholders the CFP’s historical development (Chapter I); their adaptation to the conservation pillar of the reform, with a particular focus on the tools introduced to control and reduce pressure on stocks and preserve the marine environment (Chapter II); the Common Organisation of the Markets (CMO), with special reference to the strengthened role of Producer Organisations (POs) and new labelling requirements (Chapter III); the implications of the reorientation of the budgetary policy under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (Chapter IV) and, finally, the external dimension of the CFP, that brings opportunities, challenges and new duties for EU fleets operating in distant waters (Chapter V). 3.conclusión The findings highlight the advantages and real steps forward that the reform introduced with a view to achieving a more sustainable fishery, but at the same time show the weaknesses and drawbacks on the practical side that could negatively affect the implementation and acceptance of the reform by operators. 4. bibliografía R. CASADO RAIGÓN, Derecho internacional, Madrid, 2012 R. CASADO RAIGÓN, El régimen jurídico de la pesca en Mediterráneo. La aplicación de la Política Pesquera de la Comunidad Europea, Sevilla, 2008. R. CASADO RAIGÓN, L’Europe et la mer: pêche, navigation et environnement marin, Bruxelles, 2005. R. CHURCHILL, D. OWEN, The EC Common Fisheries Policy, Oxford, 2010, p. 6 ff. A. DEL VECCHIO, F. MARELLA, International Law and Maritime Governance, Current issues and challenges for Regional Economic Integration Organisations, Napoli, 2016. A. DEL VECCHIO, La gestion de los recursos marinos y la cooperación internacional, Roma, 2006. A. DEL VECCHIO, A. DAL RI, ll diritto internazionale dell’ambiente dopo il Vertice di Johannesburg, Napoli, 2005. A. DEL VECCHIO, La politique commune de la pêche: axes de développement, in Revue du marché unique européen, 1995, pp. 27-37. E. PENAS LADO, The Common Fisheries Policy: The Quest for Sustainability, Brussels, 2016.